a physics

         (notes for myself)   




physics is not about making better toaster, and it is not even about making faster internet connection, although the knowledge of physics is very useful in both cases. what it is about? it is about the seeking the rules : how the Nature plays with us, and how the G-d plays with Nature.

it was always believed that deeper knowledge of these rules give us one day the Universal Rule or kind of “Constitution of Nature”. That believe was one of the moving-ahead forces for physicists, while another was simple human curiosity.

the conflict is, however, on the one-man-level, in relation between the specific and the ideal. nobody is really looking for general rule (that’s a territory of philosophy), but, everybody is doing specific research. that seems the only way (in the Western civilization). indeed: if you are only sitting near the window and looking at the hills, your chances to get a map of the whole world are not so high. on other side, when you are hiking, climbing etc in a forest, desert, mountains etc, is the map of the whole world really main concern?

 Ok, let’s leave a traveler with a hope he will find his way and we our…






The links below are physics related and somehow random, but useful, interesting or funny.

The links are changed and updated constantly.

Your input is always welcome.



     Short physics news (readable)

     American Institute of Physics

     A Dictionary of Unitsunits and conversions 

           (not a good place to convert your $$ in ₤₤)


Synchrotrons, the place to get huge number of photons

 and well-collimated x-ray beam. how it works?


NSLS                                        weird



















Philosophy and science  

     Post-agnostic science

     David Bohm

     Math, Physics, & Philosophy



Nano-world (not so close to toasters, but always good to know basic ideas to argue with programmers about importance of modern physics)   

     Nanotechnology news and links

Nanotechnology magazine

Nanotechnology, Overview